Monday, August 1, 2011

Mac Daddy Monday: How to move icons on the Menu Bar

Check out this post on how to move and add and remove icons from the menu bar, from our friends over at the Berklee CTMI lab.

Have you ever wondered how to move items in your menu bar? Did you even know that you could move items in your menu bar? The menu bar is located at the top right corner and contains items like the time, date, wifi status etc. Here’s a little trick you can use if you would like to customize how your menu bar items are arranged. You can even remove items off the menu bar if you wish.

menu bar before move

menu bar after move

Here’s how you do it:

Hold down the COMMAND button then click and drag the item to the left or right until they are in your preferred order. You will notice the other items will move out of the way for you. If you want to remove an item from the menu bar completely, simply drag it off of the menu bar and it will disappear.

How to add items to the menu bar:

Click on the APPLE in the top left corner and choose System Preferences.

Choose a service. For this example we will chose Displays.

Note the check box on the bottom left: Show displays in menu bar.

This feature is available with many different system preferences and third party programs such as Dropbox.

Check out the original post here:


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